How to use BERT Sentence Embedding for Clustering text

Nikita Sharma

Nikita Sharma

Data Science Intern

This post is about identifying context captured in text sentences and grouping/clustering similar sentences together. Understanding the context means that we need to understand every possible way a sentence could be written.

Here we will use BERT to聽identify the similarity between sentences and then we will use the Kmeans clustering approach to cluster the sentences with the same context together.

Self hosting Capture-the-Flag with OWASP Juice Shop, MultiJuicer and CTFd on AWS EC2

Craig Gray

Craig Gray

DevOps Engineer

We hosted a fully remote CTF event for our Engineering team using OWASP Juice Shop, multi-juicer and CTFd. The event was a fun way to raise awareness of offensive security across our team.

Amazon EC2 is one of the eight AWS services for use during penetration testing without prior approval, consequently we hosted our infrastructure using EC2 and Amazon EKS with EC2 node groups.

Programming Patterns with React Hooks

Adam Hannigan

Adam Hannigan

Engineering Team Lead

The introduction of React Hooks has sought a more declarative style of programming and promoted the use of functional components.

However, as our applications scale, our code becomes harder to understand and maintain. Issues of duplicate code, out of sync data and incomprehensible tree structures quickly plague our nicely designed components.

By introducing programming patterns we can improve the architecture of our application and ensure that our components do not get bloated with irrelevant logic.